British Author Awards™

Celebrating and Showcasing British Authors
Past, Present and Future.

What make an author British?

We consider an author as British if they are a citizen or resident of the United Kingdom, or if they have a significant connection to the country and its culture. This can include being born in the UK, growing up there, or spending a significant amount of time living and writing in the country. Ultimately, the designation of “British author” is a cultural label rather than a legal one, and can be subject to interpretation.

What do we mean by author?

For the current times and our context an author is a person who writes books, stories, articles, or other written works. They may write fiction or non-fiction, poetry or prose, and their works can be published in a variety of formats, such as print, electronic, or audio. An author’s focus is to create written content that is meant to be read by others. They may be paid for their work, or they may write as a hobby or as part of their profession.

What makes an author great?

What makes a “great” British author is subjective and can vary depending on who you ask.

However, generally a great British author is someone who has made a significant impact on literature and has written works that are widely considered to be classics and have stood the test of time.

Additionally, a great British author is someone who may have a unique writing style and voice, and whose works offer an insight into the human experience and capture the essence of the time and place in which they were written.

They may also have a good command of the language, including its idioms, colloquialism and the ability to use it in a way that is both evocative and expressive.

Moreover, a great British author should be able to entertain, educate and enlighten their readers, leaving a lasting impact on them.

How do we select / judge British Authors?

There are many ways to judge an author and we are ongoingly reviewing our process – both objectively and subjectively. We have put together an anonymous “Advisory” group, which we will disclose more about in time.

Some of the factors considered include:

  1. Literary merit: This involves evaluating the author’s writing style, structure, and use of language. A book by an author that has a strong literary merit is considered well-written and well-crafted, with a clear narrative structure, well-developed characters, and an engaging plot.
  2. Impact: An author’s impact can be measured by the popularity and longevity of their work. An author who has written a book that has become a classic and has stood the test of time is considered to have made a significant impact on literature.
  3. Originality: An author who brings something new and unique to literature is considered to be original. They bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the literary world.
  4. Authenticity: An author who writes about topics that they have personal experience with, and in a way that feels authentic, is considered to be a good author.
  5. Impact on the readers: An author’s impact can also be measured by the way they affect their readers. An author who has the ability to entertain, educate and enlighten their readers, leaving a lasting impact on them is considered a good author.

It’s worth noting that judging an author is a subjective process and that different people will have different opinions.